
Content Editor

Kari came to publishing in an unconventional manner: her college degree is in Biomedical Engineering. While working with artificial hearts and building tissue scaffolds has little to do with being a wordsmith (engineers have a reputation for being poor writers), she credits her stereotype-defying talent in English to her mother, a romance novelist. After college, she wanted to find a way to blend her passion for science and art, which led her to the freelance writing business and The Research Masters, whom she has worked with since 2010. Her six-year journey here has included a wide range of products, from elementary English and grammar to college-level anatomy and physiology.

In addition to her freelance life, Kari has also pursued a career in traditional publishing, which took her to New York and LA. She spent time as an assistant at Langley Park, a production company on the Warner Bros. lot, and has worked as a literary scout for foreign publishers and film producers since 2014. Her scouting years (or "spying years", as some editors will joke) have given her insight into the current state of fiction and non-fiction publishing, given that her job is to know about all the big upcoming books... even the ones editors aren't yet publicizing. Don't ask her for reading recommendations, though. Scouts are about two years ahead of book stores, so what she's reading now likely won't be available to consumers for a while. Trust her, though -- good books are worth the wait!