
First Things First

First Things First

“Project Nightingale will blossom into a resource for nurses, but first we must bloom as a lifeline for student and graduate nurses.” Nurses of every variety must have compassion. They also must carry around an encyclopedia’s-worth of knowledge in their brains and the skillset to put it to use. But, does every graduate who fulfills that criteria become a nurse?

Mneumonics, Cartoons, and Simulation

Mneumonics, Cartoons, and Simulation

Nursing students today are challenged with the need to acquire a large amount of information with the desire to acquire this knowledge as quickly as possible. Students have technology and answers at their fingertips by way of smart phones, the Internet, and tablets. When studying for the next exam, these students are seen searching the Internet to find videos, handouts, and illustrations for the complex topics they are learning in an effort to simplify and remember the information.